Factsheets (for Educators)
ADHD Factsheet (for Schools)
What teachers should know about ADHD, and teaching strategies to help students with ADHD succeed in school.
Anorexia Factsheet (for Schools)
What educators should know about anorexia, and how to help students with the eating disorder.
Anxiety Disorders Factsheet (for Schools)
What teachers should know about anxiety disorders, and how to help students in the classroom.
Apraxia of Speech Factsheet (for Schools)
What teachers should know about apraxia of speech and how to help students with the speech disorder do their best in school.
Asthma and Sports Factsheet (for Schools)
What teachers and coaches need to know about student-athletes with asthma.
Asthma Factsheet (for Schools)
What teachers should know about asthma, and how to help students prevent and deal with flare-ups.
Asthma: Exercise-Induced Asthma Factsheet (for Schools)
What teachers and coaches should know about students with exercise-induced asthma (EIA).
Auditory Processing Disorder Factsheet (for Schools)
What educators should know about APD, and teaching strategies to help students who have it.
Autism Factsheet (for Schools)
What teachers should know about autism, and teaching strategies to help students with autism do their best in school.
Binge Eating Disorder Factsheet (for Schools)
What educators should know about binge eating and how to help students with the disorder.
Bipolar Disorder Factsheet (for Schools)
What educators should know about bipolar disorder, and how to help students with the disorder do their best in school.
Bulimia Factsheet (for Schools)
What educators should know about bulimia and how to help students with the disorder.
Cancer Factsheet (for Schools)
What teachers should know about cancer, and how to help students with cancer do their best in school.
Cardiomyopathy Factsheet (for Schools)
What educators should know about cardiomyopathy and what they can do to help students with the condition succeed in school.
Celiac Disease Factsheet (for Schools)
What educators should know about celiac disease, and how to help students with the digestive disorder succeed in school.
Cerebral Palsy Factsheet (for Schools)
What teachers should know about cerebral palsy, and teaching strategies to help students with CP succeed in school.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Factsheet (for Schools)
What teachers should know about CFS and what they can do to help students with the condition.
Color Blindness Factsheet (for Schools)
What teacher should know about color blindness and how to help students who have it.
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Factsheet (for Schools)
What teachers should know about CRPS and how to help students with the disorder succeed in school.
Concussions: What Teachers Need to Know
What teachers should know about concussions and the healing process.
Congenital Heart Defects Factsheet (for Schools)
What educators should know about congenital heart defects, and what they can do to help students with the condition succeed in school.
Cutting and Self-Harm Factsheet (for Schools)
What teachers should know about self-injury, and how to help students who do it.
Cystic Fibrosis Factsheet (for Schools)
What educators should know about cystic fibrosis, and how to help students with CF succeed in school.
Depression Factsheet (for Schools)
What teachers should know about depression and how to help a student who is depressed.
Diabetes and Sports Factsheet (for Schools)
What teachers and coaches should know about students with diabetes playing sports and exercising.
Diabetes Factsheet (for Schools)
What teachers should know about diabetes, and how to help students with diabetes succeed in school.
Down Syndrome Factsheet (for Schools)
What teachers should know about Down syndrome, and how to help students do their best in school.
Dwarfism Factsheet (for Schools)
What teachers should know about dwarfism, and how to help students with dwarfism succeed in school.
Dyscalculia Factsheet (for Schools)
What educators should know about dyscalculia and what they can do to help students with the learning disability succeed in school.
Dysgraphia Factsheet (for Schools)
What educators should know about dysgraphia, and how to help students with this writing problem succeed in school.
Dyslexia Factsheet (for Schools)
What educators should know about dyslexia, and teaching strategies to help students who have it succeed in school.
Epilepsy Factsheet (for Schools)
What educators should know about epilepsy, and what they can do to help students with the condition succeed in school.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Factsheet (for Schools)
What educators should know about FAS, and how to help students with the condition do their best in school.
Food Allergies Factsheet (for Schools)
What educators should know about food allergies, and how to help students avoid or deal with allergic reactions.
Fragile X Syndrome Factsheet (for Schools)
What educators should know about fragile X syndrome, and how to help students with the condition do their best in school.
Hearing Loss Factsheet (for Schools)
What teachers should know about hearing impairments, and how to help students who have one succeed in school.
Hemophilia Factsheet (for Schools)
What teachers should know about hemophilia, and what teachers can do to help students with the disorder succeed in school.
Incontinence Factsheet (for Schools)
What teachers need to know about incontinence, and how to help students with the condition succeed in school.
Inflammatory Bowel Disease Factsheet (for Schools)
What teachers should know about inflammatory bowel disease, and what teachers can do to help students with IBD succeed in school.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Factsheet (for Schools)
What teachers should know about IBS, and how to help students who have it.
Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) Factsheet (for Schools)
What teachers should know about JIA and how to help students with the condition.
Kyphosis Factsheet (for Schools)
What teachers should know about this curvature of the spine, and how to help students with kyphosis do their best in school.
Lactose Intolerance Factsheet (for Schools)
What teachers should know about lactose intolerance and how to help students who have it.
Language Disorders Factsheet (for Schools)
What teachers should know about language impairments, and how to help students with language impairments do their best in school.
Limited Mobility Factsheet (for Schools)
What teachers should know about students with limited mobility, and how teachers can help them in the classroom.
Lupus Factsheet (for Schools)
What teachers should know about this disease and how to help students with lupus succeed in school.
Marfan Syndrome Factsheet (for Schools)
What teachers should know about Marfan syndrome and how to help students with the condition succeed in school.
Migraines Factsheet (for Schools)
What educators should know about migraines, and how to help students with migraines succeed in school.
Mononucleosis Factsheet (for Schools)
What teachers should know about mono, how to help infected students, and how to protect uninfected students.
Muscular Dystrophy Factsheet (for Schools)
What teachers should know about muscular dystrophy, and how to help students with MD do their best in school.
Obesity Factsheet (for Schools)
What teachers should know about obesity.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Factsheet (for Schools)
What teachers should know about obsessive-compulsive disorder, and how to help students with OCD in class.
Oppositional Defiant Disorder Factsheet (for Schools)
What teachers should know about ODD and how to help students who have it.
Panic Disorder Factsheet (for Schools)
What teachers should know about panic attacks and how to help students who have them.
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Factsheet (for Schools)
What teachers should know about posttraumatic stress disorder, and how to help students with PTSD.
Scoliosis Factsheet (for Schools)
What teachers should know about scoliosis, and how to help students with the condition.
Selective Mutism Factsheet (for Schools)
Selective mutism causes some kids and teens to be too fearful to talk in some situations. Here's what teachers should know.
Selective Mutism Factsheet (for Schools)
What teachers should know about selective mutism, and how to help students with the disorder do their best in school.
Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Factsheet (for Schools)
What teachers should know about severe TBIs, and how to help students who've had a TBI.
Sickle Cell Disease Factsheet (for Schools)
If you're a teacher, here's what you need to know about sickle cell disease and how to support your students.
Social Anxiety Factsheet (for Schools)
What teachers should know about social phobia, and what teachers can do to help students with the disorder succeed in school.
Speech and Language Disorders Factsheet (for Schools)
What teachers should know about speech and language impairments, and how to help students with impairments succeed in school.
Speech Disorders Factsheet (for Schools)
What teachers should know about students with speech impairments, and what teachers can do to help them succeed in school.
Spina Bifida Factsheet (for Schools)
What teachers should know about spina bifida, and how to help students with the birth defect do their best in school.
Stuttering Factsheet (for Schools)
What teachers should know about stuttering, and how to help students who stutter.
Tourette Syndrome Factsheet (for Schools)
What teachers should know about Tourette syndrome, and teaching strategies to help students with TS do their best in school.
Visual Impairments Factsheet (for Schools)
What teachers should know about visual impairments, and how to help students with vision problems succeed in school.
504 Plans: Information for Teachers
These plans enable students with special needs to get the accommodations required to access curricula at the same level as their classmates. This article is for educators.
Classroom Exercise Breaks for Elementary Students
Elementary school teachers can incorporate physical activity breaks into daily classroom routines to help improve test scores and student behavior. This article is for educators.
Individualized Education Programs (IEPs): Tips for Teachers
IEPs make teachers of students with special needs responsible for planning, implementing, and monitoring educational plans to help the students succeed in school. This article is for educators.
Parent–Teacher Conferences: Tips for Teachers
Conducting effective conferences can boost family involvement in your classroom and help promote positive outcomes for you, your students, and your school. Here's what to do before, during, and after the meeting. This article is for educators.
Starting a Farm-to-School Program
Farm-to-school programs are a great way to get students excited about healthy eating. This article is for educators.
Starting a School Garden
Students who garden are more likely to get the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables each day, and they develop healthier attitudes about nutrition and fitness. This article is for educators.
Tips for Teachers From Students With Cystic Fibrosis (Video)
Kids and teens explain what to expect and how to help in the classroom.