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For Parents

Helping With Homework

  • Helping Kids Deal With Bullies

    Unfortunately, bullying is a common part of childhood. But parents can help kids cope with it and lessen its lasting impact.

  • Teaching Kids Not to Bully

    Whether bullying is physical or verbal, if it's not stopped it can lead to more aggressive antisocial behavior - and interfere with a child's success in school and ability to form and sustain friendships.

  • ADHD in Kids & Teens

    ADHD is a common medical condition that can affect kids at school, at home, and in friendships. Learn more about ADHD and how to help kids get the best diagnosis and care.

  • Auditory Processing Disorder

    Kids with APD can't understand what they hear in the same way other kids do. That's because their ears and brain don't fully coordinate. But early diagnosis and a variety of strategies can help them.

  • Delayed Sleep-Wake Phase Disorder in Teens

    Delayed sleep-wake phase affects a teen's internal clock. This means they go to sleep later and wake up later than they should, which can lead to trouble functioning during the day and at school.

  • Going to School With Food Allergies

    With preparation and education, a child with a food allergy can stay safe at school.

  • My Child Is Struggling in School. How Can I Help?

    Find out what the experts have to say.

  • School and Asthma

    Asthma flare-ups are the main reason kids with asthma miss school. But well-managed asthma is far less likely to result in a sick day.

  • Sleep and Your Preschooler

    Preschoolers sleep about 10 to 13 hours during each 24-hour period, and it's important to help them develop good habits for getting to sleep.

  • Sleep and Your Teen

    Teens need about 8–10 hours of sleep a night, but many don't get it. Keeping these tips in mind can help your teen get a good night’s sleep.

  • Sports Physicals

    Just as professional sports stars need medical care to keep them playing their best, so do student athletes. That's why it's important to make sure that kids and teens get a sports physical.

  • After-School Snacks

    If your kids come in from school and head straight for the kitchen for something to eat, here's how to make sure they still have room for a healthy dinner.

  • Breakfast Basics

    Even if you eat a healthy morning meal every day, it can be tough to get kids fueled up. Here's how to make breakfast more appealing.

  • Feeding Your Child Athlete

    All kids need to eat balanced meals and have a healthy diet. But should that balance change for kids who play on a sports team or work out?

  • Going to School With Food Allergies

    With preparation and education, a child with a food allergy can stay safe at school.

  • School Lunches

    Packing school lunches are a chance to steer kids toward good nutrition. Here are ideas for some fun and easy lunchbox options.

  • Snacks for Preschoolers

    Healthy and well-timed snacks can help fill in nutritional gaps for preschoolers. But how do you turn yours into a smart snacker?

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