MyChart Virtual Video Visits
Join your virtual visit in three easy steps:
- Have an active MyChart Account.
- Download the MyChart app.
- Join your visit 15-30 minutes prior to your scheduled date and time.
(See details in the next section for how to set up and download needed app.)
- Download the MyChart app
- You will need the MyChart app on your phone, tablet,
or computer. Here's what the icon looks like in the app stores:
- If joining from a cell phone, tablet, or iPad, download the MyChart App.
- Open the app and search for Akron Children’s Hospital. Click Add organization.
- If joining from a computer, click the MyChart link here.
- If joining from a cell phone, tablet, or iPad, download the MyChart App.
- You will need the MyChart app on your phone, tablet,
or computer. Here's what the icon looks like in the app stores:
- Log into MyChart
- Already have a MyChart Account - just log in.
- No MyChart account, but have a scheduled virtual visit - check your e-mail for a link to set up an account.
- No MyChart account and no e-mail with link - request access online by clicking here.
- e-Check-in
Patient should present for a telehealth appointment the same as for an in-person appointment. This includes:
- Dressing patient modestly
- Choosing a private and quiet place with plenty of light and limiting background noise
- Occupying younger kids with a small toy or book to help put them at ease
- If the appointment is for a minor, then an adult must also be present
- For the safety of all, please do not initiate your virtual visit when driving
Depending on the nature of the appointment, here are some things you may be asked to prepare for patient beforehand.
- List of current medications or gather the actual bottles
- Medical history
- Symptoms, questions, concerns to discuss
- Pharmacy contact information
- Measurements like weight and temperature
- Log in to your MyChart account.
- Select your child scheduled for the virtual visit and click on today's visit.
- Follow the steps to complete the pre-check-in process.
- Click join video visit.
- Complete the hardware test and select join call.
- Easy Step-by-Step to download MyChart app and join virtual visit
- Photo Tips for Virtual Visits
Who is eligible for a virtual visit?
Virtual visits are available in many specialties for new and established patients. Be sure to ask when scheduling if a virtual visit is an option for your child.
When should I connect to the Visit?
You can connect 30 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time. It is recommended that you join at least 15 minutes prior to ensure you can connect successfully. If you are going to be late to your appointment you should contact the department to let them know. They may need to reschedule.