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Safety Tips: Tennis

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Tennis is a good way to stay in shape and have fun. It's an easy game to get started playing, and many areas have public courts.

These safety tips can help protect players from injuries.

What Tennis Safety Gear Do Players Need?

The right gear can help prevent injuries.

Racquet. Players can talk to a trained professional at a tennis specialty store to get a racquet that's right for their size and skill level. Using a racquet that is too light or too heavy can increase the risk of shoulder and elbow injuries. And a racquet with the wrong grip size or the wrong amount of tension in the strings can be hard on the wrists and arms.

Sneakers. Get shoes specifically designed for tennis and the court surface. Tennis shoes should support a player's heel and help keep their ankle from rolling or sliding side to side. Also, on courts made of asphalt, concrete, or other hard surfaces, heel inserts may decrease the stress on a player's lower back.

Socks. Choose socks made from synthetic fabrics rather than cotton, as these will help keep feet dry and prevent blisters. For added support, consider wearing two pairs of socks or specially padded tennis socks.

How Can Tennis Players Stay Safe?

If they want to join a school team, players should get a sports physical. Their doctor can check for any health problems and talk about sports safety. Most schools won't let athletes play unless they've had a sports physical within the past year. And being in good shape can help players avoid injuries.

New players should consider taking a tennis lesson from a trained instructor who can teach the rules and show them the right techniques to use. Using improper technique can cause injury.

To stay safe, tennis players should:

  • Always warm up and stretch before practice and matches.
  • Stop playing if they get hurt or feel pain. They should get checked by an athletic trainer, coach, doctor, or nurse before going back on the court.
  • Know the rules of the game.
  • Make sure the court is in good condition and isn't wet.
  • Have a first-aid kit available at all practices and games.
  • Use sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher and wear a hat when playing outside.
  • Drink plenty of water during and after play.

What Else Should I Know?

  • Players on a school team should have a coach who emphasizes safe, fair play at practices and games. They should be respectful of the referees and not argue with their calls.
  • It can help to play different sports throughout the year to prevent repetitive stress injuries (overuse injuries). These happen when someone trains too much or makes the same motions over and over.

Reviewed by: Melanie L. Pitone, MD
Date Reviewed: Oct 1, 2024

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