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For Parents

Medical Care and Your 4- to 7-Month-Old

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Well-Child and Other Visits

Babies really begin to show their personality during these months. So you might find yourself talking to your baby's doctor less about sleeping and eating and more about physical and social development.

Most likely the doctor will see your baby at 4 months and at 6 months, but might schedule extra visits to check on any problems found earlier.

Colds and ear infections can become more common at this age, especially in winter. When babies can reach out and grab objects and start having contact with more people, they can be more at risk for contagious illnesses, especially if they're in childcare or have older siblings.

What to Expect at the Doctor's Office

Well-baby checkups vary from doctor to doctor, but usually will include:

  • Measurement of your baby's length, weight, and head circumference. Growth will be plotted on a growth chart, and you'll be advised of the progress.
  • A physical exam.
  • A review of your baby's development through both observation and your progress report. Can your baby hold up their head? Are they rolling over? Sitting with or without support? Can they move an object from hand to hand? Respond to their own name? Has your baby started to babble? Your doctor may ask you these questions and more.
  • You may be asked how you are doing with your baby and how the rest of the family is doing. Your doctor may go over safety questions with you: Have you babyproofed your home? Is your little one in an appropriate safety seat while in the car?
  • A discussion of your baby's eating habits, including the likelihood that solid foods will be introduced soon.
  • Advice on what to expect in the coming months.
  • At some visits, vaccines.

Bring up any questions or concerns you have. Write down any specific instructions your doctor gives you about special baby care. Keep updating your child's medical record, listing information on growth and any problems or illnesses.

Which Vaccines Will My Baby Get?

Vaccines usually given at the 4-month visit:

At the 6-month visit, your baby also may get (depending on the brand of vaccine given, and whether your child has had earlier doses):

  • the third DTaP vaccine
  • the third polio vaccine (IPV)
  • the third hepatitis B vaccine
  • the third Hib vaccine
  • the third PCV vaccine
  • the third rotavirus (RV) vaccine
  • a flu shot
  • a COVID-19 vaccine

Babies at high risk for meningococcal disease, which can lead to bacterial meningitis and other serious conditions, may get the meningococcal vaccine. (Otherwise, kids usually get the meningococcal vaccine when they're 11–12 years old.)

An RSV antibody shot is recommended for all babies younger than 8 months old (and some kids up to 19 months old) during or right before RSV season if their mother didn't get an RSV vaccine during pregnancy.

When Should I Call the Doctor?

Colds and other illnesses are a part of growing up. Your baby is beginning to explore and probably is around other kids. While it's hard to see your baby fight a stuffy nose or suffer with an ear infection, most kids grow out of the frequent-illness stage as they build their immunity.

To help keep your baby well:

  • Breastfeeding your baby will provide antibodies and enzymes that help protect against illness.
  • Try to keep your baby away from kids you know are sick, especially those with infectious diseases such as the flu.
  • Family members who are sick should not share food or drink with the baby, and they should wash their hands well before handling the baby and your tot's toys.
  • Stay up to date with your baby's vaccines. Stick to the vaccine schedule recommended by your doctor.

Call your doctor if your baby has a fever, is acting sick, refuses to eat, suddenly has trouble sleeping, has diarrhea, or is vomiting. Always call if you think that something is wrong — you know your baby best.

Reviewed by: Elana Pearl Ben-Joseph, MD
Date Reviewed: Aug 1, 2024

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