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Pregnancy Calendar: Week 13

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Your Baby's Development

Watch Your Baby Grow

Welcome to the second trimester of pregnancy! Your placenta has developed and is providing your baby with oxygen, nutrients, and waste disposal. The placenta also makes the hormones progesterone and estrogen, which help to maintain the pregnancy.

By now, the baby's eyelids have fused together to protect the eyes as they develop. Once you take your newborn home, you might be wishing for those eyes to close once in a while so you can get some rest!

Your baby might be able to put a thumb in his or her mouth this week, although the sucking muscles aren't completely developed yet.

Your Body

At your first prenatal appointment, your health care provider probably gave you a prescription for prenatal vitamins. Taking these supplements, in addition to eating a healthy diet, ensures your baby gets needed vitamins and minerals, such as folic acid, zinc, iron, and calcium, which aid growth and development.

Talk to your pharmacist about the best way to take your vitamins (such as whether they should be taken with food).

PREGNANCY CALENDAR: A week-by-week guide

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