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Comminuted Fractures

What Is a Comminuted Fracture?

A comminuted (pronounced: kah-muh-NOOT-ed) fracture is a type of broken bone. The bone is broken into more than two pieces.

How Do Comminuted Fractures Happen?

It takes a lot of force for someone to get a comminuted fracture. A car accident or serious fall, for instance, can cause this type of fracture.

How Are Comminuted Fractures Treated?

Someone who gets a comminuted fracture probably will need surgery. After surgery, the person will wear a splint or cast for a while to keep the bone from moving while it heals.

Reviewed by: Richard W. Kruse, DO, Susan M. Dubowy, PA-C
Date Reviewed: Jun 1, 2018

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