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For Teens

Diabetes Center for Teens

  • Metabolism

    Your body gets the energy it needs from food through a process called metabolism. Get all the facts on metabolism in this article.

  • About Recipes for Teens With Diabetes

    A diabetes educator and dietitian chose these recipes, but they're not just for people with diabetes. Almost anyone looking for nutritious meals and snacks can enjoy them.

  • Carbohydrates and Diabetes

    If you have diabetes, your doctor may have recommended keeping track of how many carbohydrates (carbs) you eat. But what exactly are carbs and how do they affect your blood sugar?

  • Eating at Restaurants When You Have Diabetes

    Dining out is probably a part of your social scene. If you have diabetes, you can pretty much eat the same foods as your friends and family. You just have to keep track of what you eat and enjoy certain foods in moderation.

  • Strawberry Graham Dip

    This recipe is especially for teens with diabetes, but can be a nutritious part of almost anyone's diet.

  • Tomato Basil Pizza

    This recipe is especially for teens with diabetes, but can be a nutritious part of almost anyone's diet.

  • Dialysis

    Dialysis is a medical treatment that can take over the job of filtering the blood until a person's failing kidneys heal or are replaced with a kidney transplant. Find out more in this article for teens.

  • Endocrine System

    The endocrine system influences almost every cell, organ, and function of our bodies. It is instrumental in regulating mood, growth and development, metabolism, and sexual function, among other things.

  • Weight and Diabetes

    Weight can influence diabetes, and diabetes can influence weight. Managing weight can really make a difference in a person's diabetes management plan.

  • What Problems Can Diabetes Cause?

    Thinking about your diabetes a little bit now — and taking some steps to prevent problems — can make things easier down the road.

  • When Blood Sugar Is Too High

    For people with diabetes, controlling blood sugar levels is important. Having a blood sugar level that's too high can make you feel lousy, and having high blood sugar levels a lot can be unhealthy.

  • Blood Glucose Record

    If you have diabetes, you can use this printable sheet to record your blood glucose levels.

  • Can Diabetes Be Prevented?

    The things you do now could help prevent diabetes later, depending on the type of diabetes. Here's the scoop on diabetes prevention.

  • Dialysis

    Dialysis is a medical treatment that can take over the job of filtering the blood until a person's failing kidneys heal or are replaced with a kidney transplant. Find out more in this article for teens.

  • Keeping Track of Your Blood Sugar

    To keep your diabetes under control, stay healthy, and prevent future problems, you need to keep blood sugar levels in a healthy range. To do that, check and track those levels regularly.

  • Refilling a Prescription

    Tips and advice for teens on refilling a prescription.

  • When Blood Sugar Is Too High

    For people with diabetes, controlling blood sugar levels is important. Having a blood sugar level that's too high can make you feel lousy, and having high blood sugar levels a lot can be unhealthy.

  • When Blood Sugar Is Too Low

    When blood glucose levels drop too low, it's called hypoglycemia. Very low blood sugar levels can cause severe symptoms that need to be treated right away.

  • Blood Test (Video)

    These videos show what's involved in getting a blood test and what it's like to be the person taking the blood sample.

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