Blood Test (Video)
These videos show what's involved in getting a blood test and what it's like to be the person taking the blood sample.
CAT Scan (Video)
See what it's like to get a CAT scan.
Cerebral Palsy: Ira's Story (Video)
Ira has cerebral palsy (CP), but it doesn't interfere with his love of sports or his dream of being a broadcaster. Check out this video.
Dwarfism: Emily's Story (Video)
Emily was adopted from Russia, where she was born with a type of dwarfism. In this video, she talks about her life philosophy and how she overcame the many hurdles she faced.
Dynamic Stretching (Video)
These videos guide you through 8 dynamic stretches that target different muscles and areas of the body.
EKG (Video)
This video shows what it's like to have an electrocardiogram (EKG for short).
Getting an IV (Video)
This video shows what it's like to get an IV.
Health Care Careers (Video)
These videos help high school students get an idea of what's involved in some health and medical careers.
How Do the Joints Work? (Video)
See how the joints work.
Losing Weight: Brandon's Story (Video)
Brandon, 17, has lost 70 pounds through better eating and exercise. In this video he talks about what inspired him and how he stayed on track.
MRI (Video)
This video shows what it's like to get an MRI.
Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA): Steven's Story (Video)
Steven was diagnosed with SMA when he was 3. Here's a look at his life today and why he says, "When someone tells you you can't do something, don't be afraid to try something new."
Spirometry (Video)
Watch what it's like to get a spirometry test.
Strep Test (Video)
This video shows what it's like to get a strep test.
Study Break Yoga (Video)
Yoga is a great way to take a study break because it refocuses and re-energizes both the body and mind. This routine uses poses that work for teens.
Upper GI (Video)
See what it's like to get an upper GI test.
Urine Test (Video)
This video shows what it's like to get a urine test.
Weight Management: Strength Training Exercises (Video)
These videos guide teens through basic strength training exercises. Anyone can do these exercises, and they work well as part of a weight-loss plan.
Welcome Home Yoga (Video)
Unwind after a long day at school with this yoga routine for teens.
What Happens in Diabetes? (Video)
Video: What Happens in Diabetes?
X-Ray (Video)
Watch what it's like to get an X-ray.