Pediatric Spasticity Clinic
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Our clinic combines pediatric expertise in physical medicine and rehabilitation, neurosurgery, orthopedics, psychology and physical and occupational therapy so we can address all aspects of your child's spasticity and provide the services they need.
Learn more...Department: 330-543-8050
About Spasticity Clinic
We provide comprehensive evaluation and coordinated, ongoing treatment for children and teens who have complex cases of spasticity - a chronic state of tight or stiff muscle tone that interferes with a person's mobility. These symptoms can make dressing, eating, walking and other everyday activities very difficult for patients and caregivers, and can interfere with speech. Severe, long-term spasticity may also lead to muscle contracture, causing joints to bend at a fixed position.
Spasticity is one of the hallmark symptoms of cerebral palsy. It also can result from a stroke, traumatic brain or spinal cord injury, anoxic brain damage, severe head injury and some metabolic disorders.
We coordinate care through all phases of treatment - from medication, leg braces and therapy to surgery and rehabilitation. Neurosurgical procedures like selective dorsal rhizotomy and baclofen pump placement - combined with orthopedic surgery and intensive physical rehabilitation therapy - can improve the quality of life for children with spasticity.
Spasticity Clinic
Akron Children's Spasticity ClinicConsidine Professional Building
215 W. Bowery St.
Level 4
Akron, Ohio 44308
Fax: 330-543-8054
Map & directions
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Department: 330-543-8050
Micah Baird, MD
Director, Division of Pediatric Physiatry; Medical Director, Rehabilitation; Pediatric Physiatrist
Tsulee Chen, MD
Chair, Department of Surgery; Director, Pediatric Neurosurgery; Bruce F. Rothmann, M.D. Endowed Chair in Pediatric Surgery; Pediatric Neurosurgeon
Sheryl Handler-Matasar, MD
Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon; Director, Orthopedic Surgery & Clubfoot Clinic, Mahoning Valley
- For parents: Caring for Your Child With Cerebral Palsy (CP): Age 6–12
- For parents: Caring for Your Teen With Cerebral Palsy (CP): Age 13 and Up
- For parents: Caring for Your Child With Cerebral Palsy (CP): Birth to Age 5
- For parents: Cerebral Palsy (CP)
- For parents: El cuidado de su hijo adolescente con parálisis cerebral: A partir de los 13 años
- For parents: Cuidar de su hijo con parálisis cerebral: 6 a 12 años de edad
- For parents: Cuidar de su hijo con parálisis cerebral (PS): desde el nacimiento hasta los 5 años
Conditions and Treatments:
Cerebral palsy, spinal cord injury, movement disorder, traumatic brain injury