With two hospitals, 44 pediatrician offices, 50 primary and specialty locations and over 1,000 providers, we offer convenient access to expert pediatric care throughout Ohio.
From the moment you found out you were pregnant, you‘ve been dreaming about meeting your baby. You want everything to be just right. From bath time, to feedings, to finding your pediatrician – we‘re here to help.
Our journey started in 1890 when we pledged to care for every child, no matter what. That's why the most common phrase at Akron Children's Hospital is "for kids." Whether it's investing in new research, designing our facilities, or simply making our equipment kid-sized, everything we do is for our kids and their families. More About Akron Children’s
From the guest attendants as you pass through our doors, to our cafeterias, respite areas, spiritual care, child life specialists and so many other family resources, we do everything we can to support you and your child as you navigate your healthcare journey at our Akron and Beeghly (Boardman) hospital campuses.
From the birth of your baby to high school graduation and beyond, we're here for every step of your parenting journey with the latest health information, advice, resources, tips, and tools.
Despite being born with a rare genetic anomaly and battling several chronic health conditions, Nathan continues work hard and overcome hurdles into his teens.
In 2017, Zoey was diagnosed with idiopathic scoliosis and had surgery at Akron Children’s Hospital to correct two significant curvatures in two different spots. After the surgery, with a lot of hard work, she was to work towards her dream of playing college volleyball and is now on scholarship at Ashland University.
Isabella was born with a rare genetic disorder called GM3 Synthase Deficiency. She is completely dependent on IV nutrition (TPN), and also has a GJ tube which we use for venting and to give medications. She has also been diagnosed with epilepsy, low muscle tone, scoliosis, and is globally delayed.
Since his first seizure at 9 months old, Luke has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy, epilepsy, mitochondrial disease, CVI, scoliosis and impaired airway clearance. Luke has been hospitalized many times in his 23 years for seizures, lung infections, surgery complications and other issues. Despite all of these concerns, Luke continues to smile and work hard.
Born at 27 weeks, Tyler was born with and continues to deal with many disabilities throughout his life. Now 18 years old, he is ready to graduate high school with honors, despite the many challenges he has faced.
Pamela's daughter Katherine struggled to breathe, eat or even move when she was born. She spent several weeks in NICU where doctors diagnosed her with arthrogryposis, a muscle disorder that causes muscle weakness and contractures. She has been a frequent visitor to Akron Children's over the years for a variety of complications and chronic conditions, but has emerged as a resilient, energetic 16-year-old high school freshman.
Robin's daughter Casey was born with Prader Willi syndrome, a rare condition affecting the 15th chromosome. She has also been diagnosed with hypothyroidism and has had several surgeries to correct scoliosis caused by the syndrome. Now in her teens, she is very active as a Girl Scout, in Dance Unlimited, and Girl Talk.