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Akron Children's > For Families & Patients > Our Services > Family Supports > Parent Mentor Program > Find a Parent Mentor > Find a Parent Mentor

Meet Suzanne H, Parent Mentor at Akron Children's

Suzanne's Story

Our daughter started having temporal lobe seizures at the age of nine, was diagnosed, and started on meds that treated the seizures.  However, the meds and location of seizures affected her mental health without our daughter having words to describe. When she was 11, she was diagnosed with depression and by 13 struggled with depression, anxiety, school refusal, self-harm and eventually an eating disorder. The combined team of neurology and behavioral health was amazing, but it was tough as a parent.  We learned so much and have a desire to walk alongside other families in the fog of mental health treatment.  Our daughter is now a junior in college to become a physician’s assistant to help others like herself.

Suzanne is a parent mentor for these conditions: Anxiety, Depression, Seizures, Self Injury.

Suzanne is a mentor for these care services: Mental Health, Neurology

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Suzanne H is a parent mentor for these conditions: Anxiety, Depression, Seizures, Self Injury . Suzanne H is a parent mentor for these care services: Mental Health, Neurology .

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