Treatments and conditions covered by Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM)
- 22Q11.2 Deletion
- Abdominal Wall Defects
- Achondrogenesis
- Achondroplasia
- Agenesis Of The Corpus Callosum
- Ambiguous Genitalia
- Amniotic Band Syndrome (Abs)
- Anencephaly
- Anomalies Of Cortical Development
- Anomalous Pulmonary Veins
- Anorectal Malformations
- Aortic Stenosis
- Apert Syndrome
- Arachnoid Cyst
- Arterial Tortuosity
- Arteriovenous Malformations
- Arthrogryposis
- Atrial Septal Defect
- Atrioventricular Canal Defect
- Atrioventricular Canal
- Bicuspid Aortic Valve
- Birth Defect
- Bladder Exstrophy
- Body-Stalk Anomaly
- Brachial Cleft Remnant
- Bradyarrhythmias
- Bronchopulmonary Sequestration (Brs)
- Campomelic Dysplasia
- Cardiomyopathy
- Cerebral Calcifications
- Cervical Teratoma
- Choledochal Cyst
- Chondrodysplasia Punctata
- Chorioangioma
- Cleft Lip And Cleft Palate
- Clinodactyly
- Cloacal Exstrophy
- Clubfoot
- Coarctation Of The Aorta
- Colonic Atresia
- Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
- Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
- Congenital Heart Disease
- Congenital High Airway Obstruction Syndrome
- Congenital Pulmonary Airway Malformation
- Conjoined Twins
- Craniofacial Anomalies
- Craniofacial Microsomia
- Craniosynostosis
- Crouzon Syndrome
- Crouzonodermoskeletal Syndrome
- Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation
- Cystic Hygroma In Early Pregnancy
- Cystic Hygroma In Late Pregnancy
- Cystic Lesions Of The Abdomen
- Dandy Walker Syndrome
- Dandy-Walker Malformation And Variants
- Diabetes
- Diastrophic Dysplasia
- Digeorge Syndrome
- Double Inlet Left Ventricle
- Double Outlet Right Ventricle
- Down Syndrome
- Duodenal Atresia And Stenosis
- Ebstein’s Anomaly
- Echogenic Kidneys
- Ectopia Cordis
- Ectrodactyly
- Eisenmenger Syndrome
- Ellis-Van Creveld Syndrome
- Encephalocele
- Esophageal Atresia And Tracheoesophageal Fistula
- Exencephaly/Acrania
- Fetal Anomaly
- Fetal Arrhythmias
- Fetal Distress
- Fetal Spina Bifida
- Fetal Thyroid Disorders
- Gastroschisis
- Genetic Defect
- Gestational Diabetes
- Goiter
- Hemifacial Microsomia
- Hemivertebrae
- Heterotaxy Syndrome
- High Blood Pressure
- High Risk Pregnancy
- Hirschsprung’s Disease
- Holoprosencephaly
- Hydranencephaly
- Hydrocephalus
- Hydronephrosis (Various Types)
- Hydrothorax
- Hypertelorism
- Hypophosphatasia
- Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
- Hypoplastic Left Ventricle
- Hypoplastic Right Ventricle
- Hypotelorism
- Immune Hydrops
- Imperforate Anus
- Interrupted Aortic Arch
- Intestinal Malrotation
- Intra-Abdominal Calcifications
- Intracardiac Tumors
- Intracranial Hemorrhage
- Intrauterine Death In One Twin
- Intrauterine Growth Restriction
- Jarcho-Levin Syndrome
- Jejunoileal Atresia And Stenosis
- Klinefelter Syndrome
- Liver Tumors
- Macrocephaly
- Macroglossia
- Malformation In Twins
- Mesoblastic Nephroma
- Microcephaly
- Micrognathia And Agnathia
- Microphthalmia/Anophthalmia
- Monoamniotic Twins
- Monochorionic Twins
- Multicystic Dysplastic Kidney
- Myelodysplasia
- Myelomeningocele
- Neural Tube Defects
- Neuroblastoma
- Neurofibromatosis
- Nonimmune Hydrops Fetalis
- Oligohydramnios
- Omphalocele
- Osteogenesis Imperfecta
- Other Autosomal Aneuploidies
- Other Cystic Lesions Of The Chest
- Ovarian Cysts
- Overgrowth Syndromes
- Patent Ductus Arteriosus
- Pentalogy Of Cantrell
- Persistent Cloaca
- Polycystic Kidney Disease
- Polydactyly
- Polyhydramnios
- Porencephaly
- Preeclampsia
- Pregnant
- Prenatal Care
- Prenatal Diagnosis
- Pulmonary Agenesis
- Pulmonary Stenosis And Atresia
- Pyloric Atresia And Stenosis
- Radial Aplasia
- Renal Agenesis
- Retinoblastoma
- Sacrococcygeal Teratoma
- Short-Rib Polydactyly Syndrome
- Single Umbilical Artery
- Sirenomelia
- Spina Bifida
- Syndactyly
- Tachyarrhythmias
- Tetralogy Of Fallot
- Tetrasomy 12P (Pallister-Killian Syndrome)
- Thanatophoric Dysplasia
- Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return
- Transposition Of Great Arteries
- Triple X Syndrome
- Triploidy
- Trisomy 13
- Trisomy 18
- Trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome)
- Trisomy X
- Truncus Arteriosus
- Turner Syndrome
- Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion Sequence
- Twin-To-Twin Transfusion Syndrome (Ttts)
- Umbilical Cord Abnormalities
- Umbilical Hernia
- Vein Of Galen Aneurysm
- Ventricular Septal Defect
- Ventricular Septal Defects
- Wilms’ Tumor
- Xxx
- Xxy
- Xyy
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