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Akron Children's > Frequently Asked Questions

How do I prevent Shaken Baby Syndrome?

If a baby in your care won’t stop crying:

  • Call a friend or relative for support or to take care of the baby while you take a break.
  • If nothing else works, put the baby on their back in an empty crib (without loose blankets or stuffed animals), close the door, and check on the baby in 10 minutes. During that 10 minutes, do something to try to relax and calm down. Try washing your face, breathing deeply, or listening to music.

Call your doctor if nothing seems to be helping the baby, in case there is a medical reason for the fussiness.

No matter what, no one should ever shake a baby for any reason.

If a frustrated or angry caregiver shakes a baby, it can cause shaken baby syndrome (or abusive head trauma), when a child’s brain is injured from physical abuse. This can cause permanent brain damage or death. Finding ways to ease a caregiver’s stress when a baby is crying can help prevent these injuries.

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