You have reached the website for Pediatric Consultants of Ashland & Mansfield.
Pediatric Consultants has transitioned to Akron Children’s Pediatrics as of April 5, 2024. The Ashland location name is Akron Children’s Pediatrics, Ashland West and the Mansfield location name is Akron Children’s Pediatrics, Ontario.

What remains the same for patients:
- Our dedication to caring for kids
- Address, phone and fax:
- Ashland West: 1522 Claremont Ave., Ashland, OH 44805
- Phone: 419-207-1085 and Fax: 419-207-0607
- Ontario: 896 N. Lexington Springmill Road, Mansfield, OH 44906
- Phone: 419-524-1085 and Fax: 419-526-327
- Providers and familiar staff members
- Hours for both locations: Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Ashland West is also open Saturdays from 8:30 a.m.-noon.
- Your current active patient status has transferred to Akron Children’s Pediatrics; no action is required on your part. If already scheduled in the upcoming months, your child’s appointments will automatically transfer.

What has CHANGED:
- Appointment scheduling for incoming calls is routed to centralized scheduling. These schedulers have access to your provider’s schedule. Understandably, this change is an adjustment for patients as well as office staff. Thank you for your patience as the office staff navigates the transition as well.
- In addition to calling for a traditional in-person appointment, try a Quick Care Online® virtual visit that connects you with pediatric providers through a compatible mobile phone, tablet or computer. The service is available at or through the Akron Children’s Quick Care Online app.
- Akron Children’s Pediatrics accepts most health insurance plans and Medicaid.
- Families enjoy benefits including MyChart for online appointment scheduling and communicating with your child’s care team
- After-Hours Nurse Line to help you make decisions about your child’s urgent health concerns; and access to Akron Children’s experts if your child needs to see a specialist.
For billing questions related to dates of service prior to April 5, 2024, call the main office phone number, choose the prompt for Pediatric Consultants billing, leave a message and your call will be returned. Thank you!