Akron campus admissions
Our Akron campus admissions office is located on the third floor of the main hospital building. Staff from Akron Children's will call you to preregister your child for regular hospital admissions and outpatient appointments. They will ask for patient and insurance information so they can prepare your child's records in advance and reduce registration time on the day of service.
Staff will also tell you where to report on the day of service. Please bring your insurance card, photo ID and co-payment, if required.
Contact the Admissions office at 330-543-8700. Admitting and ER registration are open 24 hours, 7 days a week.
You may contact the Authorization and Registration Center at 330-543-4300. Hours are 7 a.m.-7 p.m., Monday-Friday.
Beeghly campus admissions
Admitting and ER registration at our Beeghly campus in Boardman are located on the first floor of Building B.
On the day of admission, you will be asked to sign consent-for-treatment forms and any financial/insurance forms not yet completed. If your child is an emergency admission, you will be asked to visit Admitting on the admission date to complete paperwork. You will be asked to show your photo ID and insurance card at that time.
To contact the Admissions office at Beeghly, call 330-746-9202.