Staying Safe
CPR: A Real Lifesaver
CPR saves lives. Find out how it works.
Our bodies need water to work properly. Find out more in this article for kids.
Gun Safety
By now, you probably know what guns are and what can happen if they fall into the wrong hands. Find out how to protect yourself and how to learn about gun safety.
How to Handle a Medical Emergency
In a medical emergency, kids can be heroes just by calling for help. Find out more in this article for kids.
How to Use 911
You can be a big help when someone is hurt or in danger. How? By dialing 911. Find out more in this article for kids.
Ever get a nosebleed? Lots of kids have had at least one. To learn more, follow your nose to this article for kids.
You may be young, but you probably already have a scar or two. But why did you get them? How can you prevent them? Find out in this article written just for kids!
What to Do in a Fire
It's scary to think about a fire happening at your house. But you can fight the fear - and prepare yourself - by learning the right way to handle a fire emergency. Find out more.
Be a Green Kid
You might wonder how you can help protect the Earth. Find out in this article for kids.
Being Safe in the Kitchen
Cooking and baking are lots of fun - as long as you stay safe. Read this article for safety tips before you head into the kitchen.
Dogs and Preventing Dog Bites
Are you a little afraid of dogs? Some kids are, so find out how you can make friends with dogs and avoid dog bites.
Gun Safety
By now, you probably know what guns are and what can happen if they fall into the wrong hands. Find out how to protect yourself and how to learn about gun safety.
How to Handle a Medical Emergency
In a medical emergency, kids can be heroes just by calling for help. Find out more in this article for kids.
Online Safety
Online, just like in the real world, it's always better to be safe than sorry! Here's how kids can stay safe on the Internet.
Playing It Safe on Halloween
On the spookiest night of the year, have fun and stay safe. Find out how in this article for kids.
Salmonellosis is an illness caused by a bacteria found in raw food, soil, water and the bowel movements of some animals, including reptiles. Find out how to prevent this illness.
Staying Safe Around Animals
Do you love animals? Lots of kids do. Find out how to stay safe around them in this article for kids.
When It's Just You After School
Are you home alone after school? If so, find out how to stay safe and keep busy until mom or dad comes home.
5 Ways to Avoid Sports Injuries
Sports injuries often can be prevented. Find out how in this article for kids.
Bike Safety
Some simple rules can keep you safe on two wheels. Lean more about bike riding in this article for kids.
Do You Know How to Be Street Smart?
Strangers are people you don't know, so you need to be careful. Read this article for kids to learn how to stay safe.
Dogs and Preventing Dog Bites
Are you a little afraid of dogs? Some kids are, so find out how you can make friends with dogs and avoid dog bites.
Fireworks Safety
Fireworks are cool to watch, but let the pros set them off. Find out more in this article for kids.
Hey! A Bee Stung Me!
Bee, or honeybee, is the word many people use to describe any flying insect that has wings and a stinger. Learn more about bees.
Hey! A Tick Bit Me!
A tick attaches itself to the skin of a person or animal and sucks blood. If you have a dog, it may have picked up a tick before! Learn more about ticks in this article for kids.
How to Be Safe in Ice and Snow
Winter is a fun time of year. But while you're out having fun, you have to know how to be safe. Check out our article for kids to learn how to stay safe in snow and cold weather.
How to Be Safe When You're in the Sun
It's fun to be outside on a hot, sunny day. But too much sun and heat can make you feel terrible. Find out how to stay safe in this article for kids.
How to Handle a Medical Emergency
In a medical emergency, kids can be heroes just by calling for help. Find out more in this article for kids.
Jellyfish can sting swimmers - ouch! Find out more about these quietly creepy sea creatures.
Outdoor Water Safety
It's fun to spend hot days splashing around in a pool or the ocean. But it's important to learn how to be safe.
Poison Ivy
Poison ivy can give you a nasty rash. Find out more about it - and the other plants that can make you itch - in this article for kids.
Pool Safety
Swimming is a lot of fun! But even kids who know how to swim can have trouble in the water, so let's find out how to stay safe in the pool.
Staying Safe in the Car and on the Bus
You probably spend part of every day in a car or on the bus. Find out how to be a safe traveler in this article for kids.
Thunderstorms scare some kids. Find out how to tackle this fear and stay safe.
Winter Sports: Sledding, Skiing, Snowboarding, Ice Skating
You'll have more fun if you stay safe in the cold and snow. Find out how in this article for kids.