Well-Child Check Compliance Amongst Black and White Children Age 3-6 Years of Age

Quality and Patient Safety:
Quality/Patient Safety Goal:
Well-Child Check Compliance Amongst Black and White Children Age 3-6 Years of Age
Goal & Summary
We are committed to equitable care, meaning that every child has the ability to achieve his or her full health potential. To achieve this goal, we focused on a key improvement opportunity of ensuring similar well-child care rates between white and black children from 3-6 years of age.
Why is this important?
Though we’re proud that we have provided care without any bias or discrimination, there are situations where different approaches are needed to ensure equitable care is achieved – equal care is not good enough. To ensure equitable care delivery, we need to recognize situations where different strategies can be used to help patients achieve their best health outcome.
What are we doing to improve?
We deployed an improvement team to employ quality improvement methodologies to identify and eliminate barriers to improving well-child check rates in black children.
Who are we partnering with to share best practices?
The improvement leaders presented portions of their work at meeting of the Akron Children’s Clinical Effectiveness steering committee.