Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infections - Hem-Onc Rate

Quality and Patient Safety:
A central line-associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI) is a laboratory-confirmed bloodstream infection not related to an infection at another site that develops within 48 hours of central line placement.
Quality/Patient Safety Goal:
Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infections - Hem-Onc Rate
Why is this important?
An infection causes delayed healing, longer recovery times and in some cases can result in patient death. Given the serious nature and complications that can result, we are working tirelessly to completely eliminate these infections.
Proper care during insertion and ongoing care of the central venous catheter contributes significantly to the reduction of infections.
What we are doing to improve
- Implementing standardized practices which have been shown to minimize infections.
- Monitoring and reporting of proper handwashing practices for physicians, nurses and other health care providers.
- Participation in the national improvement collaborative - Solutions for Patient Safety, aimed at eliminating all patient harm. Participants share ideas and data to create learning opportunities and accelerate improvement among hospitals nationally.
- Real-time use of Kamishibai Cards to evaluate adherence to the bundle of care. Intervene with staff to correct any variance in bundle care.