Safety Partners
Akron Children's participates in several state and national quality improvement initiatives, including:

Ohio Children's Hospital's Solutions for Patient Safety
Launched in 2009, Solutions for Patient Safety is a partnership between the Ohio Children’s Hospital Association (OCHA) and the business community to improve quality and reduce costs. Initial efforts have focused on the elimination of serious safety events (SSEs) and the creation of a statewide patient harm index for children. OCHA was founded by Akron Children’s and five other Ohio children’s hospitals.

Children’s Hospital Association
The Children’s Hospital Association (CHA) advances child health through innovations in the quality, cost and delivery of care. Representing Akron Children’s and more than 220 other children’s hospitals, the Association supports public policies that help hospitals care for children. It also gathers the data to improve the clinical care and operations of its member hospitals.

Vermont Oxford Network
The Vermont Oxford Network (VON) is a collaboration of health care providers dedicated to the quality and safety of medical care for newborn infants and their families. The network includes Akron Children’s and more than 900 neonatal intensive care units from around the world.