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Module 7 - Asthma


Students will gain knowledge and develop clinical skills to diagnose and treat pediatric patients with asthma in the outpatient setting.


Following the pediatric outpatient rotation, the student will be able to:

  1. Explain two main physiologic mechanisms of asthma (bronchoconstriction and airway inflammation)
  2. Name typical clinical symptoms of asthma (cough, wheeze, shortness of breath, etc.)
  3. List a differential diagnosis for wheezing
  4. List some triggers of asthma (ex: URI, allergies, smoke, exercise, cold air).
  5. Discuss asthma classification and assessment of control based on the NHLBI guidelines
  6. List common medications used to manage asthma
  7. Name some asthma monitoring tools (ex: asthma control test, spirometry)


NHLBI: Quick Reference           

Asthma Control Test

Asthma Action Plan - EPIC

Pediatric Asthma in a Nutshell – Pediatrics in Review

Wheezing – Mayo Clinic

reviewed 2/2016

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