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Giving News

    Learn more about our donors and their impact on Akron Children's.

    John and Karen Mayer make legacy gift of life insurance to support Akron Children’s Hospital’s NICU

    There’s a particular feeling that John and Karen Mayer get every time they visit Akron Children’s Hospital. “When we come for a meeting or take a tour, we watch families with their kids,” said John, who’s a member of the hospital’s board of directors. “To think about how the hospital makes such a large impact on so many people and supports these kids on whatever journey they’re on – whether they’re getting ready to come home or only just arrived – you walk through those hallways and think, ‘wow.’” Read more...

    Welcome Eva Szigethy, MD, PhD, Lois C. Orr Endowed Chair in Pediatric Psychiatry

    This spring, Eva Szigethy, MD, PhD, joined Akron Children’s Hospital as the new Lois C. Orr Endowed Chair in Pediatric Psychiatry and director of Pediatric Psychiatry and Behavioral Health. Her arrival comes at a critical juncture as the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Office of the U.S. Surgeon General and others have issued warnings about the state of pediatric mental health. Poor mental health among U.S. children, teens and young adults has been a problem for years, made worse by the pandemic. Now it’s affecting children at younger and younger ages. Read more...

    Digital Health Innovations: Donor support can bolster efforts to enhance care, improve outcomes and reduce costs

    To deliver the care that Akron Children’s Hospital patients need and deserve, we must be nimble and innovative as the world continues to experience economic challenges, labor shortages, inflation and unprecedented circumstances. Families also are changing. As they use digital conveniences for shopping, food, travel and more, they want better, faster and more convenient access to healthcare. Read more...

    Meet Jeff and Mimi Ryznar: Five questions with our featured donors

    Jeff and Mimi Ryznar firmly believe in giving back to others – and supporting the Mahoning Valley community. The business owner and physician both feel that everyone has gifts to use and share. Here, they explain why they share their time, talents and treasures with Akron Children’s Hospital. Read more...

    The impact of accessible mental health care: donors help Akron Children’s Hospital expand services

    There’s a youth mental health crisis sweeping our country – and northern Ohio. Access to high-quality, individualized mental health care is a major obstacle for children and their families. So are long wait times. Read more...

    Taking care of the ‘kiddos of the future: Maynard Family Foundation establishes chair in neurodevelopmental sciences at Akron Children’s Hospital

    After every visit to Akron Children’s Hospital, philanthropist and Akron business leader Philip H. Maynard would share stories about children he met. “You should’ve seen the kiddos,” he would tell family and co-workers. Read more...

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