Clinical Genetics Elective
We offer a 4-week clinical genetics elective to 4th year medical students.
- Become familiar with the diagnosis of common metabolic, cytogenetic and dysmorphic syndromes
- Become familiar with the counseling and management of genetic disorders
- Research specific genetic problems as appropriate prior to inpatient consults and outpatient visits
- Participate in diagnostic evaluations and counseling sessions involving outpatient clinic patients and inpatient consultations
- Follow test results or other new developments with your patients during the month
- Attend weekly genetics case conferences and present at least 2 cases over the course of the rotation
- Read assigned material about fundamental concepts in genetics
Typical daily schedule
- Review records and background material on upcoming patients and discuss with physician and genetic counselor
- Participate in outpatient genetics clinics, including general genetics, hereditary cancer, prenatal, metabolic and relevant multidisciplinary clinics
- Participate in inpatient genetic consultations
Night call/special requirements: None