Mason Moyer has had a senior high school year to remember – and it’s not even halfway over. The standout running back from Norwayne High School in Wayne County has wrapped up an achievement-filled football season despite suffering a fractured rib and partially-collapsed left lung at the start of his post season. Mason and his […]
Honey – in the right place, at the right time for button battery emergency
Katie Jacobsen will long remember her 41st birthday. The Barberton mom, her husband and eight children had just celebrated with a take-out dinner from Cracker Barrel when 3-year-old Maggie said she had swallowed something shiny. Katie looked around to see what Maggie could be referring to and saw Elsa and Anna dolls that “sing” thanks […]
My child has a lump – What should I do?
As a pediatric surgeon, a consultation for a lump on a child is one of the most common reasons for a referral to our office. Lumps can appear anywhere. They are commonly found when bathing the child or are noticed by a parent during everyday activities. Finding a new lump triggers anxiety in everyone involved, […]