Baby’s first chompers can be an exciting milestone. On average, the first tooth appears between 4 and 7 months of age, but unfortunately, sometimes it replaces that adorable toothless grin with a crying, irritable baby. “Some babies seem to experience a great deal of pain, while others hardly seem bothered by it,” said Emma Raizman, […]
5 old-school remedies that could be dangerous for your grandbaby
Whether you watch your grandchildren regularly or occasionally, the personalized, loving care you provide them is a benefit that can’t be measured. But for grandparents who haven’t had to stay up to date on the constantly changing parenting safe practices, there’s a lot to catch up on. Many parenting practices and guidelines have changed from […]
5 medicines you shouldn’t give your kids
When your child is feverish, congested and miserable, you might try anything marketed as sure relief. But just like Bon Jovi’s song describes, there is such a thing as “bad medicine,” especially when it comes to kids — and parents should be cautious. Not all medicines are effective and can come with severe side effects, […]