Akron Children’s researchers recently presented at a medical ethics conference in Cork, Ireland.
A team from Akron Children’s recently presented at the 21st Communication, Medicine, and Ethics (COMET) Conference at the University of Cork, in Cork, Ireland.
The presentation was on “Integrating Narrative Medicine in a Pediatric Clinical Setting: Understanding the Illness Experience of Children While Improving Health Outcomes.”
Akron Children’s has one of the few hospital-based narrative medicine programs in the country and Nicole Robinson is the only full-time narrative medicine coordinator in a pediatric hospital in the United States.
Pictured from left to right are:
Dr. Julie Aultman, dean of the College of Graduate Studies and director of the Medical Ethics and Humanities Program at the Northeast Ohio Medical University.
Nicole Robinson, narrative medicine coordinator in the Emily Welty Cooper Expressive Therapy Center/Haslinger Family Pediatric Palliative Care Center at Akron Children’s.
Dr. Daniel H. Grossoehme, senior scientist in the Rebecca D. Considine Research Institute & Haslinger Family Pediatric Palliative Care Center at Akron Children’s.