Matt and Mallory Beres keep a large black-and-white photo taken shortly after their 9-month-old son, Fitz, emerged from surgery in December. In the photo, Mallory is hunched over a hospital crib cocooning Fitz, who had been under anesthesia for 8 hours as surgeons reconstructed the front of his skull. Mallory wanted to make sure Fitz […]
Unexpected ER visit leads to shunt revision
Christmas has always taken on a special meaning in our family. Of course, children give a different prospective as well. We have tried to bring the true meaning of Christmas in our home.
Meet the Pollocks
Hello, we are the Pollock family. Currently our family consists of Randy, Megan (me), our dog Sasha, and baby peanut. We will be married 7 years in August. Sasha is a 4 ½ year old yorkie shitzu mix who enjoys long walks, sitting in the sunshine, visits from the neighbors, and snuggling up next to […]