During the recent National Pediatric Hospital Medicine Conference held in Philadelphia in August, Dr. Prabi Rajbhandari, a pediatric hospitalist, was recognized for her study titled Linguistic Services for Hospitalized Children with Non-English Language Preference: A PRIS Network Survey. The study was noted as a Top 10 Article, a prestigious accolade signifying its contribution to the […]
Arab American Heritage Month: Hanya Salem
Observed in April, Arab American Heritage Month celebrates the rich and diverse culture and contributions of Arab Americans. Hanya Salem is a certified medical interpreter for Arabic to English. Through her work at Akron Children’s, she provides language access services to patients and families, an essential component of delivering culturally competent care. She shares what […]
Meeting the needs of our Spanish-speaking patient families
Providing language access services to patients who have limited English proficiency is essential to delivering culturally competent care that meets each patient’s unique social, cultural and communication needs. “Having an ill child is already stressful for any parent. Not fully understanding or being able to communicate effectively about their child’s illness adds to that stress,” […]