As the days become shorter, soon northeast Ohioans will welcome the fall harvest and festivities along with a new pollen season. Fall can be a beautiful time of the year when the weather finally cools from the humid and dry summer. However, the end of summer brings upon ragweed season which begins to pollinate in August and […]
Cross country runner finds way to manage her allergic symptoms to the cold
Most summers while growing up, Evelyn Caldwell, age 17, enjoyed going to the beach with her family. They always had a good time visiting the North Carolina seashore. But when she was 12, something strange happened. While swimming in the Atlantic Ocean, Evelyn broke out in hives. “I was in the water up to my […]
Managing peanut allergy with oral immunotherapy improves Hudson boy’s quality of life
Ever since Harrison Huntington, age 7 of Hudson, Ohio, was diagnosed with a peanut allergy, his parents hoped for a way to lessen the severity of his allergic reactions. Their hope became a reality when an oral immunotherapy (OIT) was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2020. “We knew we wanted […]
Dr. Rajeev Kishore looks forward to a retirement full of new adventures
Rajeev Kishore, MD, pediatric allergist and immunologist, decided to go into pediatrics after his father encouraged him. Dr. Kishore’s father, who was also a physician, saw a need for the specialty in their native India. A family member recommended Akron Children’s, providing the impetus for Dr. Kishore to come to Akron. “Initially, my wife and […]
Connie Stout is ready to take a deep breath and blast off into retirement
Connie Stout, pulmonary function technician, knows when it’s time to get loud. She’s good at it, especially while coaching her patients to exhale and empty their lungs during their pulmonary function tests (PFTs). “I tell patients to really blast it out,” Connie said. “But sometimes I get so loud that my officemates make sure I […]
Beeghly campus features new outpatient space in Building A
Families who see specialists at Akron Children’s Beeghly campus will find newly expanded outpatient space in Building A on their next visits. The newly completed 9,300 square feet at the hospital, located at 6505 Market St., features 20 exam rooms, three assessment rooms and staff work space. There is also a room set up for […]