Technology has played a major role in wiring our kids’ brains for instant gratification. From fast-paced video games to interactive toys that flash and play music to streaming TV shows and other entertainment, kids are used to constant stimulation and getting their desires met quickly. It’s a product of our fast-paced society and stimulating environment, […]
New baby? 7 ways to set healthy boundaries with loved ones
Whether you’re becoming a parent for the first time or the fourth, your baby’s birth can be just as overwhelming as it is joyful. Parents must navigate a new normal, while balancing the needs of mom’s own healing with the new baby’s needs. On top of that, they’re also managing the expectations of well-meaning family […]
How can dads bond with baby, too?
We often hear about the many benefits of mom and baby bonding. That intense attachment between mom and baby fosters a sense of security, promotes positive self-esteem and models a healthy relationship for baby. So much of the focus on baby bonding tends to be placed on mom, but what about dads? Are the benefits […]
Pregnancy to parenthood: 5 tips for a smoother transition
For many couples, a positive pregnancy test brings about excitement and pure joy. It’s confirmation they’re expanding their family and transitioning from couple to parents. But bringing baby home can be just as exhausting as it is exhilarating. A new baby will turn your lives upside down — and not just for weeks, but for […]
Mental health supports mom and baby
They say a baby changes everything but, as any mom knows, those changes begin long before baby’s arrival. There are obvious physical changes, but in the process of going to check-ups and preparing for baby, there are also psychological and emotional changes mom experiences that are often less talked about or, worse yet, kept silent. […]