Youth suicide is on the rise. Thanks to increased social media use and effects from school stressors and bullying, kids and teens are facing challenges that are uniquely harder to navigate than previous generations. As a parent, you may be wondering how you can talk to your child about suicide and how to get them […]
Helping teens tame their negative inner voice
If your teen struggles to shut down the pessimistic voice inside their head, you can help them view things differently by teaching them to challenge their negative thoughts. “In times of stress, we don’t always think rationally,” said Dr. Kevin Triemstra, pediatric psychologist at Akron Children’s. “For example, thinking you’re going to fail a test, […]
Helping teens tame that negative inner voice
It’s a struggle sometimes to shut down that voice of negativity in your head. Vulnerable teens especially can fall into the trap of seeing everything through a pessimistic lens. But you can help your teen see things differently, said Akron Children’s psychologist Kevin Triemstra. Reframing negative thinking can have a positive impact on emotional health […]