What’s among the most important life skills learned by playing sports? Teamwork. And Dr. Joseph Congeni can attest to it. He used teamwork to help to build the Akron Children’s Sports Medicine department from the ground up, launch a pediatric primary care sports medicine fellowship and provide decades of collaborative care for athletes. As he […]
It Takes a Team to Treat the Triad
The female athlete triad. It may sound like an Olympic event, but it’s the connection of menstrual problems, low energy and decreased bone density. It’s a rather common problem among young women who play sports. “Energy availability has a huge impact on your body,” said Julie Kerr, MD, who treats sports medicine patients at Akron […]
Build Healthy Bones to Reduce Stress Fracture Risk
Stress fractures occur more frequently in young female athletes than in boys. Vitamin D plays an important role in keeping girls healthy and their bones strong. “Vitamin D may boost muscle performance and helps the immune system function as well,” said Julie Kerr, MD, with Akron Children’s Sports Medicine. “But the No. 1 benefit is […]