From inspirational patient stories to tips on how to be the best parent you can be, we’ve shared hundreds of photos, videos and blogs throughout 2022. Here are the ones that made the biggest impact on you. Facebook 1. Halloween around the hospital 2. Preschool students at Norwalk Catholic School learning about the body/medical field […]
Hannah takes it all in stride
At 2 days old, Hannah Jabbour had surgery to close the half dollar-sized opening in the base of her spine, but only time would tell how spina bifida would impact her everyday life. “While in the NICU, Hannah also needed a shunt placed to drain the spinal fluid from her skull due to her hydrocephalus,” said Hilary, […]
Family-friendly Considine expansion designed through eyes of a child
When you walk around the newly expanded Considine Professional Building on the Akron Children’s downtown campus, expect to see some familiar territory. The building’s interior floors are each themed with artwork and photography that give off a hometown vibe. According to Robin Clark, director of marketing, “Each floor of the building has a theme and […]